Mission & Values


  • Unpacking Complex Issues

    Confused about ballot measures and perplexing language? In programs hosted by DWBC, speakers help us sort it all out. They share information about key legislation, educate us about critical ballot initiatives, and introduce candidates running for elected office.

    DWBC gathers in relaxed social settings once a month. We mingle with like-minded Democrats and talk directly to elected officials like our U.S. Congressional representative, our Colorado State leaders, or our Boulder County Commissioners.

    Our education efforts are designed to be easy-access. You have the option of attending in person OR over Zoom where virtual presentations and expert speakers offer opportunities to hear about election trends, state party strategy, grassroots activities, and other timely topics. At meetings, we greet old friends and make new ones. Join us at our next event!

  • Collaborating to Optimize Impact

    Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” For DWBC, engagement is a key component of our core values.

    At every level of the DWBC organization, there’s an opportunity for you to get involved. Engaging on the personal level with other members is fun, rewarding and fulfills our individual needs to make a difference. Exploring that opportunity to engage can be transformational for you as well as for our entire membership.

    Maybe you’re interested in supporting a candidate to the CU Board of Regents. Or handing out yard signs during presidential elections. Or facilitating an educational session during our monthly meeting. Or balancing the books for our non-profit organization. Or organizing a van load of folks to lobby at the state capitol. Perhaps you’d rather donate to keep us financially sound! Whatever your choice, together we can innovate, energize and inspire each other to reach our goals.

  • Keeping Colorado Blue

    Elections matter. The area in which the DWBC continues to show its strength, resilience and influence is elections. Of all the DWBC activities around voter education, unpacking complex issues, vetting candidates, hosting distinguished guest speakers, and providing monetary support to preferred candidates and organizations, nothing is quite so results-oriented as an election. Together, we combine our individual efforts to make a significant impact on races where our progressive values are paramount.







Educate 〰️ Engage 〰️ Elect 〰️


  • We advocate for individual freedom and autonomy, ensuring everyone has the right to make their own choices that impact their lives.

  • We believe in the power of participatory democracy, where all individuals have equal voice and representation in shaping their communities and societies.

  • We support the right of individuals to make informed decisions about their bodies, lives, and futures, free from coercion or judgment.

  • We celebrate and embrace the richness of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, fostering inclusivity and understanding.

  • We strive for fairness and justice, addressing systemic barriers to ensure all individuals have access to opportunities and resources.

  • We actively work to create spaces where everyone feels valued, respected, and included, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.

  • We promote peaceful resolutions to conflicts, advocating for nonviolent approaches to resolving disputes and fostering cooperation and understanding among all.

  • We are committed to environmental sustainability and protecting our planet for future generations, recognizing the interconnectedness of human rights and environmental stewardship.


While times have changed, our commitment to Boulder County and the citizens of Colorado has never wavered. By providing education,  fostering engagement and electing Democrats, we’ve kept participatory democracy strong and responsive to community needs.

Under its by-laws as a 501(c)(4) organization, DWBC is organized to  promote community responsibility and to encourage active participation in  social welfare issues. We fulfill this mission in the following ways:

DWBC: Our Parent Organization – By law, this entity is allowed to support 501(c)(4) groups, issues committees,  ballot issues, political organizations, and legislative efforts. We can collect  membership dues and donations but they are NOT tax deductible.

Small Donor Committee (SDC), Our Political Arm – In accordance with our charter, our member organization supports this committee via dues that are transferred from the DWBC parent organization. By law we are allowed to contribute to candidates, political parties and political committees via the SDC. Every time a member joins DWBC or renews their membership, $50 from their fees is transferred to the SDC. Recipients of recent donations include the League of Women Voters, Center for Voter Information and NewERA Colorado.

Stay The Course With Us – In this time of uncertainty around many issues like the pandemic, climate crisis, voting rights, gun violence, reproductive rights,  sexuality and gender identity, DWBC continues to put the needs of our  local community first. You are needed more than ever!