

There’s never been a better time to step up.

People participate in DWBC activities for many reasons: to learn about topical local issues, to gain access to elected officials and representatives, and to join with like-minded individuals in common cause activities.  

Whether you’re a registered Democrat, an independent or unaffiliated; whether you’re female, male or identify as non-binary; or whether you’re young or old or somewhere in between, you will be welcome in DWBC.


As with any volunteer organization, the DWBC depends on its people for health, vigor, and energy. Our people raise their hands to contribute in so many ways, big and small.  Behind the scenes, members arrange programming, facilitators, and venues; ensure that our funds are managed in a fiscally responsible manner; and keep the lines of communication open among the national, state, and local Democratic parties. We show up to remote and in-person meetings. We run for public office.  We use our voices in grass-roots organizations. We serve on important policy-making committees. We write letters to the editor. We lobby for issues that directly affect our quality of life in Boulder County.  We make a difference.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth,” said Muhammad Ali.  Even though all of us are engaged with jobs, partners, children, and tons of other commitments, we instinctively know that, “if you want to get something done, assign it to a busy person.”  And, so, we respectfully ask if there might be a small window in your calendar where you might volunteer with the DWBC?

Please consider applying for a position on the DWBC board of Directors and be part of the team that brings the education, engagement, and election work to all members. Let us know you are interested by contacting us.